Thursday, June 29, 2006 @ 7:34 AM
im performing at the hyat tomoorow!
im not sure if it's a performance or a gig, but i guess both mean the same, just that one's more hip than the other (eugh, i sound like an old lady)
BUT ANYWAY- it's supposed to be a birthday party for some english journalist or something, turning 60. real aristocrats going. AND IM GOING TO BE SINGING! is this not HUGE?
this is one of the few times where i wish i weren't fat. im wearing a sequinned red dress with a black shawl and red pointy shoes. i was looking at myself in the mirror, and i hope beyond tangible hope that i don't look like a chubby prostitute. and that there won't be any chinese men over 65, i have cheekopehkaphobia.
and i hope i dont sound like a banshee at the high notes
and i hope i'll be tremendously pleased with myself this time tomorrow.
i hope i don't go to sleep never wanting to sing again.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 @ 8:32 AM
fatal prediction
tomorrows going to be LOUSY.
with art and history all in one day.
i think the worst subject in the world has got to be art history.
i've done SBQ, but im STUMPED by the SEQ questions! im just glad i've done something.
it seems now school's started there's nothing to blog about but school.
although there really isnt much interesting about it, but thats all there is.
i lead such an intriguing life.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 @ 1:21 AM
great expectations
well, tuesday's come, but not exactly gone.
and i'm very relieved, but not very proud to announce that i've managed to get away with not bringing both SS and physics homework on duedate, escaping with no more than a slightly bruised ego.
im probably going to have to go on hiatus soon, which is very, very sad as that will be the time i need to blog the most. to do something ELSE besides study all day and sleep all night.
speaking of sleeping, how many of you actually dream regularly?
i don't, but i wish i did. sleeping would be so much more interesting then.
i remember i once had a dream about the power rangers turning into toothpaste, and there was one point where i was absolutely head over heels in love with the power rangers, especially white and pink ranger. imagine how devastated in was when i woke up. haha, i remember telling my mom and she was so concerned. i didnt think much of it then as i thought she ought to be (i mean, it was the POWER RANGERS, COME ON!) but now it's quite funny, and sweet eh?
ive had taunting dreams, on days where i couldnt find my phone and i went to sleep and found it in my dream, and woke up feeling SUCH ANGUISH. but aiyah.
i had a dream about aaron carter too, my first celebrity crush, haha. but i shant elaborate, its a teensy bit embarrassing.
i just reread harry potter 5 and 6, and am ITCHING for number 7 to come out. but at the same time i don't want it to come out, as im afraid once i finish reading it i'll have nothing more to look forward to in life, and end up slitting my throat.
just a gentle reminder, once the book comes out, kindly keep all information on the book to yourselves, as i am a slow reader and i probably wouldnt have finished the book yet. and if anybody tells me, i swear i have the potential to murder.
i should get off the computer. until next time, faithful friends!
Saturday, June 24, 2006 @ 3:00 AM
say my name
the 4 funniest names i've ever heard (TRUE actual examples)
Heidi Ho.
Philip Goodcock.
Lily Lee Li Li.
Englebert Humperdink.
the poor souls, high school must've been and will be terrible for them.
i actually like the name jessica a lot. it's very versatile, cuz you don't need to have a face that suits the name. like frances, all the franceses in the world have distinctive looks, that make them look like franceses. they all look remarkably intelligent, and unbelievably attractive.
i might name my children after french cities, like paris or avignon. because they both belong to france, (GET IT?) they are france's. ha ha ha.
i love the name ferris. and dylan. and LOUIS, ('s' unpronounced) for boys.
am i boring my public?
i wonder how parents decide on what to name their kids. my name was easy, san francisco was my mom's and dad's favourite city, apparently. so if i was a boy, i'd be francis anyway.
hahaha, i wonder if i'll ever meet someone named singapore. parents would either be dead boring or have a crude sense of humour.
i would crack up if i ever met a chinese girl named beyonce. HAHAH!
alright alright, i haven't got much else to talk about. but when you comment, leave your favourite names down!
(excluding your own, please)
i daresay i'll see you all on monday, but i promise you i won't be looking forward to it.
Friday, June 23, 2006 @ 6:24 AM
Bebob balula
nono, i am BEYOND wired. i am INSPIRED.
i am DRIVEN!
by the way, a word of advice to all- if you currently are in my situation, that is, taking o levels or some other exam pragrammed to make you loose your marbles, and you're starting to see signs of premature aging, i would strongly, strongly STRONGLY suggest you take up yoga. ALL OF YOU, YES, EVEN BOYS. (NC-16, though) i bought a book "yoga and pilates" a couple of months ago, just dug it up, and did yoga for A WHOLE HOUR today. YES, I KID YOU NOT. i probably didn't do it properly, as im not yet aching all over, but i feel REVIVED! i feel totally BRING IT ONISH, like i could tackle a whole army of screaming mums and prinicples of accounts. i felt, like a youthful 16 year old, something which i feel many of us are forgetting we actually are. yes yes, major exam coming, no nonsense, but this ISN'T NONSENSE! it's like ACADEMIC VIAGRA!
i swear, all who need something that helps mental anxiety ( i dont like the word stress) TAKE UP YOGA!
alright, that aside, i saw something rather disturbing yesterday that i forgot to blog about, due to my sudden outburst, as seen below. but no matter, i shall tell of it now.
i was sitting with my mom at spinelli's while she was reading a magazine, scoffing and tuting every 3 seconds. now my mom's a good judge of writing, so i picked up an identical copy from the table (magazine provided by spinelli's) and flipped to a page that had an article that headed "the evils of breathing"
now, after seeing that, i imagined, noooo, it couldn't be. must be some sort of metaphor for life or something. who would be stupid enough to waste hundreds of trees printing an article about the detriments of breathing? ha ha, ha ha ha.
opening sentence- "respiration. why do we need it?" and then this imbecilic writer goes on and talks about how breathing causes most of our problems, from migranes to doing a poor job picking up a stranger at a bar. i got so disgusted after 2 paragraphs i shut the magazine and never touched it again. touched a nerve. so what if breathing was a problem? what did he want to do, stop? by all means, i would've loved to help him. his arrogance was APPALLING. what on earth was the point in telling people that breathing is bad?? it's like telling women "giving birth hurts" WHAT, SO ALL WOMEN IN THE WORLD UNITE AND STOP GIVING BIRTH? honestly. i dont know why it got to me so badly, but i HATED it that people were wasting their time writing and printing stupid articles, that made no impact in mine or anybody else's life im sure, but only served to aggravate it. why were people talking about problems that couldn't even be solved when so many, SO MANY other problems in the world were staring us in the face, and nothing was to being said or done about them? problems that were solvable?!?! that giant of a prat deserves to be deported to africa, without belongings, and live there for the rest of his life. i'd like to see him worry about picking up a girl at a bar because hi's BREATHING'S ALL WRONG, that disgusting pile of dog droppings.
i shall work off my bad mood by doing afew namastes, then it's off to chemistry for me!
Thursday, June 22, 2006 @ 3:01 AM
This is going to be a long entry. brace yourselves.
Do you believe in soulmates?
Do you believe, that the universe is positioned in such a way that everybody in this world is linked, one way or another, to each other, but theres one particular link between two people that can never, ever be broken?
Romantic, isn't it? I believed that for quite some time. and i'd like to think i still believe in that, not wanting to be too realistic as i personally and very strongly believe that cynicism causes people to be, although very mature, thoroughly miserable. I want to believe that there is such a thing as someone you were meant to be with, because that would undoubtedly mean that it isn't all in our hands, wouldn't it? somebody else would be planning all this for us. But isn't there one small but hugely significant flaw in this arrangement that causes this to be all immpossible? HUMAN ERROR?
WHAT IF, for example, you actually meet that special someone, but you're too busy to notice? like for example, it's during the year of a majorly MAJORLY important exam, and you can't have a relation ship just yet, and he's all broken hearted he moves to africa, and get stampeded by a herd of elephants, and you never ever see him again? does the link change? or do you die alone, or with Mr. Wrong?
What if you MEET HIM/HER, you're completely free, but they don't give a shit about you? but with all the feeling in your gut, no matter how much people dissuade you, you KNOW that there is some good in them, whatever flaw you see. you're not blind, but when the situation gets so hopeless that they start to fade from your thoughts, weird signs start appearing, like opening a page in the bible that says "have faith, and he will come" or your watching tv and this singer that has your first name, and his surname, pops up on the telly. this little boy you meet in church thats so fond of you and doesnt want to let gp of your hand has is name.
can you CHOOSE whether or not to take this seriously? or do you act like it a coincidence, risk yourself being miserable. what's all this rubbish with "if it's meant to be it's meant to be"? how can one spend life relying on divine intervention? is the sign the aforementioned, or the millions of people telling you you're a stupid git?
I don't know.
but i really, really want to. the naive prat i'm becoming.
Friday, June 16, 2006 @ 2:33 AM
Let it Be- Beatles
When I find myself in times of trouble,
Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom: Let it be.
And in my hour of darkness, she is standin here in front of me
Whispering words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
Whisperin' words of wisdom, let it be.
You all really should download the song! (or buy the cd, rather. heheh.) it's a fantastic song, the kind of song you listen to when you're hopeless, or when something is really wrong and you can't do anything about it, and you hear it, and you feel an overwhelming sensation of deep acceptance. within yourself. I love it. love it love it love it!
two posts in a day, that must be a record! well there isn't really much else to do besides study, so this is a good distraction in the meantime. anyway, for sonia mao's tag thing, since i've been tagged i shall do the 8 things (cuz i think it's such fun) but i simply can't for the life of me think of 8 people that read this blog, so isn't much point in that, eh?
1. MUST be irish
2. can never, EVER wear bermudas
3. must be blind (snigger)
4. hairwise? as long as it's not in a ponytail, it's fine.
5. must make my insides go squishy when he smiles :) ( oh COME ON, YOU ALL WANT THAT TOO DON'T FIB!)
6. no nipple piercings, PLEASE.
7. must be able to make adequate conversation.
8. and must be nice to my mum.
THERE! 8 top qualities. i'll go shower now, have a fantastic weekend!
TRIVIA - did you know, the proper response to "top o' the mornin' to ya" is
"n' the rest o' the day to yourself?"
Thursday, June 15, 2006 @ 12:45 PM
Backa from Malacca!
I had a pretty awesome time in malacca, despite afew unavoidable mishaps. which probably happen all the time, anyway. I shan't give you a daybyday breakdown of what happened, but i'll just provide you with hilights-
Father JJ is a rotund (i'm not being rude) priest, indian with curly hair. (shut up, weifen) he plays the guitar like a DREAM, and is the most personable preist i've EVER met. sat next to him on the journey to and from, with him playing oldies on the guitar for a total of i think, 1 1/2 hours! as a spiritual director, he was great as well, explaining contradictions in the bible and making me much stronger in faith. His passion is very inspiring.
alright, on to hilights! i fell sick with the flu on the second day, it wasn't very serious, but i used it as and excuse to not attend practice. and BOY was i lucky, practice went on for 3 WHOLE HOURS with only TWO FIVE MINTUE TOILET BREAKS. urgh. when i came down from my room for mass, i was already perfectly fine, but had to sneak in afew hacking coughs and sneezes (which were very realistic, thank you). so i managed to avoid snide remarks. phew.
at night we played daidee and bluff, and there was this really amusing instance where we were playing bluff and I HAD WON and nicholas got rid of his pack second, so only nicole and lianna were left playing. but after about 10 minutes, we realised bluff coldn't be played by two people, HAHA, it was pretty stupid.
the next night we went to a seaside restaurant, right next to the straits of malacca. there are HUNDREDS of stray dogs in malacca, and there were so many at the restaurant (it was open aired). anyway, nicole had this HUGE paranoia with dogs and went rigid with fear everytime one got near, so nicholas was like- why you all so scaaared? you so much bigger than the dog what."
you know what happened right after that? he went up to a dog, and tried to pet it, said "hello doggie!"
l swear, nicholas jumped about a foot in the air! screamed like a terrified little girl, and ran off faster than you cold say "scardy cat"
i hadn't laughed so hard since god knows when.
i hope you all didn't miss me too much, i'm going to have to get back to my study routine. i'm about to start now, wish me luck.
and sanity.
Sunday, June 11, 2006 @ 12:42 AM
wish it were sunday.
courtesy of sonia mao ( I GIVE YOU-

and my JUDE LAWS!




what a sexy, sexy name, eh? JUDE LAW. fits the face! (but there was one that showed him really, really hairy. it was quite disturbing)
im off to malacca tomorrow! to eat BUCKETS of ice kacang! fern- i heard they still have ice balls there!
goodbye everyone, till i return! don't miss me too much!
Saturday, June 10, 2006 @ 12:44 AM
saturday. whataday.
am about to study history, but i thought i'd provide a little trivia!
fran trivia!
RACE CAR, spelt backward, is RACE CAR
666 is the sum of the squares of the first 7 prime numbers.
that's all i've got, but i'll come up with more soon!
question- would you rather win $10 000 for yourself, or $1 000 000 for charity?
12:40 AM
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
Friday, June 09, 2006 @ 7:43 AM
today, i must say, was one of my more fulfilling days.emotionally or spiritually, doesn't matter, but i feel extremely satisfied.
morning there was school, and laura called after that and we met for a rather late lunch. nice feeling, going for lunch with an old friend. or rather, a friend you haven't seen in a while.
and at NIGHT, i went for my first youth meeting in the newly reformed youth group- project J. previously known as- anawhim, a name which paticularly disturbed me ( probably because it sounds like -and a whim). the name stands for 'project jesus'. anyway we had praise and worship, where father JJ lead us in hymns such as 'in his time' and 'spirit song'. it was quite nice, getting together like that. comforting being the word most apt.
after that, got into groups of 7 to discuss 'a moment in our lives which we thought jesus was most present'. i panicked beyond BELIEF. honestly, i wish i could say otherwise, but i rather shamefully admit, besides the other 6 in my group, i had never had a hardcore Godly moment in my life. some talked about being slain and feeling the spirit move them, in fact most did. what did i talk about? a time when i didn't do a paticular assignment that was due on that day, but the teacher had to go home after a while cuz he was too sick to come to class. i know, nothing unusual, but i did actually pray and plead for him not to come. and look what happened!
so yes, it was very nice, sharing in that way. everyone was extremely encouraging and receptive. and most were open whilst a couple refused to share personal experiences, not to be blamed, im sure. but im looking forward to next friday!
monday im off to malacca!
i am well aware that in many aspects im horribly immature. i make decisions which are extremely irrational, i say things without thinking, and i rely rather heavily on my gut. which has proven otherwise unreliable. i understand that, and i see the need to solve that problem. but i do not see it as a character flaw, so how could i be judged based on that? i honestly strongly object to people being judged on the decisions they make, as many people make wrong choices for reasons beyond their control- lack of forsight- panic- fright, and the list goes on. im irrational and irresponsible, that i know better than most, and i make terrible decisions that i know i will one day come to regret. it is a difficult thing, to be judged by the decisions you make, but it is another i will have to overcome.
and i have to make the right decisions.
goodbye everyone, a hug and a kiss.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 @ 4:07 AM
I wish you, sez I
I had my first ART lesson in about, lets see, 6 months? and I must say i did not do too badly. it was pretty fruitful. i drew a GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS portrait of billie holiday, although to malisa's and many other people's opinion i made her look manly, EUGH! how hurtful. MIND YOU not many of my drawings are gorgeous, most are lopsided and look cross-eyed, so because i did a reasonably good job with thid one, i thought i'd share with those i love :D!
i've come to the conclusion that obese angmoh looking girls attract chee ko pehks.
why, you say?
I get in a cab. taxi driver looks about late50s-ish, asks me where i want to go, i say forum. drives for abit, then says
Chee ko pehk: eh girl, wat is yaur name?
Me: uh, Gloria*
CKP: ahh. how ol ish you?
Me: hesitates- 21 ( i was afraid he got kicks from molesting fat minors)
CKP: orh. you got boyfriend
Me: horrified- yah. im getting married.
CKP: you gort phone?
Me: no.
CKP: You wan my mamber? den maybe i take you go out jalan- you wan?
Me: NO.
CKP: don worry lah- afternoon lah, den your boyfriend wun know.
Me: looking at the door making sure he doesnt lock me in- NO, I THINK I'LL PASS.
CKP: you swer you dowan my number?
Me: very. -slam door
i knw what many of you must be thinking- YOU STUPID GIRL, YOU SHULD HAVE TOTALLY SCOLDED HIM AND SCREAMED AT HIM, but the fact remains that i was completely vulnerable as i was in his cab, eh? could've taken me anywhere. had to be polite.
plus i was also shit scared of him, heh.
lido macs, me n weifen
old man approaches and asks me," ESCUE ME, EH- DIS CHINATOWN?"
me. perplexed-"uh, no. this is orchard."
i look at weifen, as i think, he cant be saying what i think he's saying. but she starts laughing.
me." EW. FUCK OFF!!!"
he runs away.
then he walked by again and started proclaiming his love, to my horror and to weifen's amusement.
man: harlo ahgirl. you wan to have lunch wif me??
licks his fingers, then puts his salivated fingers on the pole handle.
he edges away. i felt like hurling.
i sWEAR! old men have a sort of fetish for fat girls. THREE TIMES, AND IM NOT EXACTLY WHAT YOU'D CALL, ?
I should remove my lack of breasts and come off as a boy.
all in favour, comment!
good day, and i wish you never to get harrassed by cheeko pehks!
Friday, June 02, 2006 @ 2:52 AM
big O
o level stress is getting to me.
and it's only bloody june.
my life is coming to a standstill- with a melange of sciences maths and literature. oh, woe be me! my mother wants me to take up ART again! what torture. anyway i shall put a halt to my ever-dwindling social life, which i am going to go all out to improve by december. im going to dye my hair pink and give my mother a nasty heart attack.
mischeivous snigger.
you know she wants me to join the LYRIC OPERA? like HELLL i would. im not being a right snob, i love classical music and that, but i hate SINGING it. it's RESTRICTIVE and INCOMPREHENSIBLE. i have not the discipline nor perserverance to stand still for hours on end singing a song in latin gibberish (it's a beautiful language, but it is nevertheless, dead) i will not, SHALL not, join the lyric opera. of course whether i'll get in is an entirely different issue, but i am not a classical singer to begin with! it's NOT ME.
it's like asking luciano pavorotti to sing "oops, i did it again". case bloody closed!
i shall be on my way, studying phy/chem today! wish me luck.
a love poem i wrote for no paticular reason with no intended recipient-
i find you quite charming
which is quite alarming
for this feeling you've brought,
has caused much distraught.
but now that you know
that I love you so
my very last wish
is for your tender kish!
goodbye everyone, and fall madly inlove!